Publications and Resources
The choice to have and raise a healthy family is a human right. That’s why EverThrive Illinois facilitates access to quality health care and provides resources and opportunities for families to live healthy lives and thrive.
We believe in the power of creating an ecosystem where marginalized communities, especially those in Black, Brown, Indigenous, and LGBTQIA communities, have the access, resources, and health care necessary to create and sustain healthy families on their own terms.
Driven by our deep desire to eliminate racial and gender disparities in care and create a healthcare system that is deserving of trust from those most affected by injustices, we are committed to working in solidarity with—and being accountable to—people on the ground through community-driven partnerships, policy action, systems-change projects, and educational campaigns such as:
Vaccines Have the Power to Protect
National Vaccine and Child Immunization Awareness
Caring for your children is demanding. As a parent or caregiver, choosing what’s best for them can be difficult. At EverThrive Illinois, we offer you evidence-based information and resources on how to protect your loved ones. As your Champion for Health, we want you to know why vaccines are the best way to protect and keep your little ones healthy and safe. Download the campaign guidelines here…

The Gathering Campaign
A Community of Support for Your Self-Care During Pregnancy and After Having Your Baby
Research shows that Black women in Chicago are six times more likely to die while pregnant, having a baby, or in the year after pregnancy than their white counterparts. The majority of these deaths are preventable. At EverThrive Illinois, we believe that community-centered education can address the root causes of Chicago’s maternal mortality and morbidity crisis, including the systemic racism within the healthcare ecosystem that breeds mistrust.
If you are a family member or a local organization providing support to people during and after pregnancy, we invite you. Join us.

Protecting Your Family from the Flu is Safe and Easy
Flu Awareness and Prevention
Are you a parent or planning to be one? Are you caring for an older loved one? Regardless of your role, you want the best for those you love; their safety, good health, and well-being are top concerns. You would do anything to see them healthy, happy, and thriving!
Getting vaccinated against the flu today is the best way to keep your family healthy and happy. Getting a flu shot is safe and easy. It’s the decision that will help you protect them so you can spend more time together, creating memories for a lifetime.

Understanding COVID-19
Your Health, Your Choice: What You Must Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine and Boosters
According to studies, COVID-19 has been the worst pandemic the world has seen in 100 years. It has traumatized and turned the world upside-down. At EverThrive Illinois, we are deeply sorry for all you have been through, and we stand beside you. Whether you are a parent or a caregiver, pregnant or recently pregnant, or a community or a spiritual leader, at EverThrive Illinois, we want to offer you our evidence-based information so you can best protect yourself and others from viruses like COVID-19.

Your Health, Your Choice: Benefits of the Flu Shot
The Importance of Flu Vaccination for Seniors
Life comes with great expectations, milestones, fears, changes, and challenges. Aging is one of those times that can be physically and emotionally taxing, but being healthy can make life just a little easier and more meaningful.
At EverThrive Illinois, we are your Champion for Health. As such, we want you to learn more about your health, how to prevent severe illnesses, and practice self-care by getting the flu shot so you can be protected around those you care for and love.
Learn more and find local resources that can support you in living a healthier and more fulfilling life.

ADOLESCENTS: Together, we make the right decision.
The Importance of Vaccines for Teens Targeting Teens
As a result of COVID-19, many teens have missed check-ups and recommended vaccinations. Vaccines are still the safest, easiest-to-get, and lowest-cost way to prevent some diseases. Vaccines help the immune system recognize and learn to fight serious diseases. As a young adult, you can speak up and stand up for what matters most, your health included. Vaccines are universally recommended for all teens and young adults, ages 11 to 18.

TOGETHER: We make the right decision.
The Importance of Vaccines for Teens (Targeting Parents)
As a result of COVID-19, many children and adolescents have missed check-ups and recommended childhood vaccinations. Vaccines are still the more accessible, cost-effective, and safe way to prevent diseases and boost and fortify their immune system. As a parent, you can set up your children for a successful and healthy adulthood by learning about the universally recommended vaccines for all adolescents, ages 11 to 18, and getting them caught up.

For more than 30 years, EverThrive Illinois, a 501(c) 3 nonprofit, has been advancing the health and safety of Illinoisans by supporting access to quality health care and providing resources to achieve health equity. Everyone has a role to play in making reproductive justice a reality. Help us continue to educate, organize, and develop equitable health solutions by making a tax-deductible donation today!